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Heartwarming Honor: APD Officer Adopts Baby Born with Addiction

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Officer Honored for Adopting Drug-Addicted Baby

Albuquerque Police Officer Ryan Holets gained national attention after a selfless act of compassion. While on duty, he encountered a pregnant woman struggling with heroin addiction and made the extraordinary decision to adopt her baby.

Baby “Hope” spent her first days enduring heroin withdrawal but is now thriving at eight weeks old under the care of Officer Holets and his wife, Rebecca.

On Monday, Officer Holets received the “Outstanding Service to the Community” award, a first-of-its-kind honor. Reflecting on the decision, he credited his wife, saying, “She didn’t hesitate. She immediately said, ‘Let’s do this; this is a wonderful thing.’”

This act of kindness sets a powerful example, inspiring the city to make the award a quarterly tradition.

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